Social Media in Hospitals

Social Media in Hospitals

About Our Blog and Contributors


One of the reasons we chose this topic is that one of our group members, Stacey, has a passion for supporting many causes related to the healthcare arena.  One specific example that is a true testament to the power of social media was related to Hurricane Sandy. 

Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of New Jersey in 2012. Immediately after the hurricane, Stacey posted on her Facebook page that she was looking for donations to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. In less than 1 week, she had offers from 75 people and businesses looking to donate product. All of these items directly came from her appeal from her Facebook page. After all was collected, Stacey found a partner in crime that helped her drive the two truckloads of goods we had received to New Jersey. That experience was an inspiration and an example of how powerful social media is. 

This example brought us to the decision to focus on the medical field and was our inspiration to research how social media can be such a powerful tool to hospitals and doctors. Perhaps the greatest gift that social media gives is the gift of life. Since doctors are able to share information and expertise, they can save lives by utilizing the information that doctors from across the globe share.


Stacey Megalaitis has over twenty years experience in public relations, marketing communications and social media. Stacey is presently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Marketing Communications with a concentration in social media. In her spare time, Stacey likes to volunteer her time to causes related to the healthcare arena.  Stacey resides in Merrimack, NH with her husband Mark and their three children.

Addie Randolph has five years experience as a public affairs officer in the U.S. Army Reserve and has worked with multiple media correspondents in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently she is the Public Affairs Officer for the 76th Operational Response Command based at Fort Douglas, Utah. Addie is presently pursuing her Master's Degree in Communications with a concentration in public relations.

Brad Ruffin earned his B.A. in Communications Radio/TV at Prairie View A&M University near Houston, Texas. Brad has held numerous public relations related jobs and is currently teaching middle school Language Arts and History.

Diana Frias earned her B.S. in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. She currently works as a Senior Paralegal for a family law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

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Infographic: How Do Hospitals Use Social Media?

Infographic: How Do Hospitals Use Social Media?